Friday, April 19, 2019

Jim Rickards Exclusive: The Aftermath Of The 2008 Crisis Is That We Never Really Escaped

The economy is vulnerable to economic “chaos” due to several monetary and policy mistakes made since the 2008 recession, said best-selling author Jim Rickards. 

His new book “Aftermath: Seven Secrets of Wealth Preservation In The Coming Chaos” details how the last economic crisis never really ended. “Technically, the recession was over in June 2009 and the U.S. economy has been expanding ever since. 

We’re coming up on 10 years of expansion, it’s one of the longest expansions in U.S. history and it’s one of the longest bull markets in stocks in U.S. history, so that’s true. 

But, it’s also been the weakest expansion in U.S. history. For 10 years average growth has been about 2.2%,” Rickards told Kitco News.

- Source, Kitco News